Mesothelioma is a dangerous cancerous disease that is brought about by exposure to asbestos. It usually develops as a cancer that grows in the large internal organ linings. Due to the nature of the asbestos fibers which are generally minuscule, they usually get lodged into the lining of the organs in the body and with time create a suitable environment for the cancerous tumors to begin to grow.
From the first time one is exposed to asbestos to the time when the Mesothelioma actually begins to develop, there can be several decades in between. This explains why many people are unable to tell that they have Mesothelioma only for them to realize when it is a little too late for any significant treatment to be carried out.
Workers who play their trade in construction or building sites and shipyards are prone to exposure to asbestos and this can be quite dangerous. Over time, the inhalation of the asbestos fibers means that they have a lot of this asbestos in their bodies and this creates a situation of Mesothelioma. The Mesothelioma cancer usually attacks the stomach, lungs and heart.
Mesothelioma comes in several forms for instance a not-so-common form known as pleural which attacks the lungs. It comes about when the asbestos fibers that are inhaled find themselves lodged within the lung’s linings and surrounding areas.
In case the fibers of the asbestos somehow get lodged in the stomach’s lining then you are looking at peritoneal Mesothelioma. This one comes about especially when someone eats food that is covered in microscopic asbestos fibers. This fibrous lining can sit in the stomach for a very long time without causing any visible problems.
However, in time, it will begin to give rise to an environment suitable for growth of the cancer cells. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is not as common as pleural Mesothelioma with a 10-20 percent of the Mesothelioma patient population known to be suffering from it.
The small asbestos fibers are also known to get stuck within the lining of the heart and this is where the cancer can begin to grow. Scientifically, this kind of Mesothelioma is known as pericardial Mesothelioma and is found in about 10 percent of all the Mesothelioma cases there are.
Mesothelioma is usually treated with several combination procedures for instance surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. A well treated Mesothelioma condition can somehow reduce the negative impact of the disease and even heal it altogether. However, this can only be true if the Mesothelioma is discovered at a much earlier stage so that the cancer is properly dealt with by the treatment.
Even though it is quite difficult to know if you have this cancer at an early stage it is not impossible by doing your monthly checkups. Make sure to ask your doctor to check for it since many times there will not be any physical warning symptoms at all.
Raven Ross is a gifted writer and has knowledge on many topics. He explains the importance of understanding the lung cancer symptoms in order to treat this disease early. If you are dealing with breast cancer then understanding the breast cancer symptoms will help you as well.
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Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
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